Unity: Level Design Playground
The Project
This level was built using an asset/game unity package from a user on Itch.io (bottom of page).
The level goes through 4 different sections, each using the various mechanics from the package.
This platformer game is a great example of 2D level design through the level design principles of teach/test/challenge.

The Process

Throughout the design process, I wanted to focus on the level design principle of teach/test/challenge. This allowed me to target when and where to introduce different mechanics through out the level.
To break it down even further, the different areas that "introduced" new mechanics were themed differently, subtly letting the player know that "this is a new area with new things"
This level and level tool kit really helped me focus one when to introduce new mechanics and when to test players on their knowledge. If I introduced to many new mechanics at the same time, it could cause a cognitive overload effect for player and they wouldn't retail all the different things they learned.
This really helped with controlling the pacing of the level, making it so players were not over whelmed learning to many things at the same tile, while still introducing all the different mechanics.
Over all, I believe that I achieved my main goal of focusing on the aspect of teach/test/challenge.